EOSERV Bug Tracker
Bug Categories
Total (valid) bugs 473 347 94 12 20
Open bugs 242 175 48 3 16
Resolved bugs 132 108 18 6 0
Unconfirmed bugs 70 42 24 2 2
Invalid bugs 64 44 17 1 2
Recently Created
ID Product Title Severity Date
#476 eoserv.net Download Page Lacks Map Editor That Workls on Windows 11 Normal 2 years ago
#475 EOSERV NPCs are leaked when maps are unloaded Normal 2 years ago
#474 EOSERV RPN is not RPN Trivial 3 years ago
#473 EOSERV #Packetrateattack too slow Normal 3 years ago
#472 WebCP Karma incorrectly calculated. Trivial 3 years ago
#471 EOMap Top layer animated tiles are not animated in-game Normal 3 years ago
#470 EOSERV $board makes the client unstable Normal 3 years ago
#469 EOSERV $freeze Feature Request 3 years ago
#468 WebCP Characters with weird characters in their titles not displaying correctly Normal 4 years ago
#467 EOSERV EnforceWeight setting is not enforced Normal 4 years ago
#466 EOSERV Account_Reply packet should contain sequence start Normal 4 years ago
#465 WebCP Logins fail since PHP 7.1 - LoginRate: [] operator not supported for strings Normal 4 years ago
#464 EOSERV NO_ERROR not defined Normal 4 years ago
#463 EOSERV Items dropped by players on to full tiles will disappear Normal 5 years ago
#462 eoserv.net Comment System on Moderator Raitings Feature Request 5 years ago
Recently Fixed
ID Product Title Severity Date
#397 EOSERV linux socket stays open after server shutdown Normal 2 years ago
#466 EOSERV Account_Reply packet should contain sequence start Normal 4 years ago
#465 WebCP Logins fail since PHP 7.1 - LoginRate: [] operator not supported for strings Normal 4 years ago
#364 EOSERV Allow admins to see other hidden admins online Feature Request 8 years ago
#408 EOSERV Using bow without arrows Normal 8 years ago
#365 EOSERV Treat NPC targets at distance 0 and 1 the same Feature Request 8 years ago
#389 EOSERV Group Heal Normal 8 years ago
#399 EOSERV "$d here" doesn't copy direction / sit state Normal 8 years ago
#359 EOSERV 0x drops from NPCs should be ignored Normal 8 years ago
#290 EOSERV EOSERV does not check if bans database table exists on startup Normal 8 years ago
#417 EOSERV Guild description text not validated Normal 8 years ago
#418 EOSERV Guild size capped to wrong configuration setting Feature Request 8 years ago
#420 EOSERV Spell cast cooldown is not enforced High 8 years ago
#421 EOSERV Spells with 0 cast time fail to cast with EnforceTimestamps enabled Normal 8 years ago
#412 eoserv.net Mobile device compatibility Feature Request 8 years ago
Recent Actions
Time AgoWhoAction
1 year, 48 weeks agoCirras Commented on report #Packetrateattack too slow
2 years, 14 weeks agoHacker_Alex Created report Download Page Lacks Map Editor That Workls on Windows 11
2 years, 18 weeks agoCirras Commented on report Incorrect Apostrophe Encoding in Map Names
2 years, 19 weeks agoSausage Commented on report linux socket stays open after server shutdown (status=CLOSED, FIXED)
2 years, 50 weeks agoCirras Created report NPCs are leaked when maps are unloaded
3 years, 5 weeks agoApollo Created report RPN is not RPN
3 years, 18 weeks agodumpster Created report #Packetrateattack too slow
3 years, 29 weeks agoSordie Created report Karma incorrectly calculated.
3 years, 31 weeks agoSausage Commented on report Characters with weird characters in their titles not displaying correctly (status=CONFIRMED)
3 years, 32 weeks agoSausage Commented on report Improper data read causes a crash (severity=NORMAL)
3 years, 32 weeks agoSausage Created report Top layer animated tiles are not animated in-game
3 years, 51 weeks agoSordie Created report $board makes the client unstable
3 years, 51 weeks agoSordie Created report $freeze
4 years, 1 day agoSordie Created report Characters with weird characters in their titles not displaying correctly
4 years, 12 weeks agoSausage Created report EnforceWeight setting is not enforced
4 years, 20 weeks agoSausage Commented on report Account Creation Timer Vulnerable (status=CLOSED, INVALID)
4 years, 20 weeks agoSausage Commented on report Account_Reply packet should contain sequence start (status=CLOSED, FIXED)
4 years, 20 weeks agoSausage Created report Account_Reply packet should contain sequence start
4 years, 27 weeks agoSausage Commented on report Can't log out of a banned account. (status=CLOSED, INVALID)
4 years, 35 weeks agoSausage Commented on report Logins fail since PHP 7.1 - LoginRate: [] operator not supported for strings (status=CLOSED, FIXED)
4 years, 35 weeks agoSausage Created report Logins fail since PHP 7.1 - LoginRate: [] operator not supported for strings
4 years, 47 weeks agoApollo Created report NO_ERROR not defined
5 years, 31 weeks agoSausage Created report Items dropped by players on to full tiles will disappear
5 years, 38 weeks agojimmy Created report Comment System on Moderator Raitings
5 years, 44 weeks agoCirras Commented on report Incorrect Apostrophe Encoding in Map Names
5 years, 44 weeks agoCirras Created report Incorrect Apostrophe Encoding in Map Names
5 years, 46 weeks agojimmy Created report Mark All Read
6 years, 6 weeks agoshayne Commented on report Weight goes above 0 with unlimitedweight after trading
6 years, 21 weeks agoCirras Commented on report EOPlus Parser Error Recovery
6 years, 21 weeks agoCirras Created report EOPlus Parser Error Recovery
6 years, 21 weeks agoCirras Created report Skillpoint Update handling for Quest Actions
6 years, 38 weeks agoSausage Created report Trading isn't blocked on jail maps
6 years, 44 weeks agoinsomniac Created report Config filename changes if an INCLUDE file is found and Read()
6 years, 46 weeks agoshayne Created report Account Creation Timer Vulnerable
7 years, 1 week agoSordie Created report Incorrect skin names
7 years, 2 weeks agoApollo Commented on report TNL Freezes upon level up
7 years, 6 weeks agoDrewbob Created report TNL Freezes upon level up
7 years, 10 weeks agoSausage Created report Friends list packet sends each name twice
7 years, 12 weeks agoSausage Commented on report Warp suck (status=CLOSED, INVALID)
7 years, 12 weeks agoSausage Commented on report Lobby/Lounge Thread (status=CLOSED, WONTFIX)
7 years, 12 weeks agoSausage Updated report The database install.sql script is not compatible with MySQL (severity=HIGH) (status=CONFIRMED)
7 years, 13 weeks agoHacker_Alex Commented on report The database install.sql script is not compatible with MySQL (severity=TRIVIAL)
7 years, 13 weeks agoHacker_Alex Created report The database install.sql script is not compatible with MySQL
7 years, 13 weeks agoHacker_Alex Created report You must be loged in to view this page
7 years, 15 weeks agoHacker_Alex Created report Lobby/Lounge Thread
7 years, 18 weeks agoinsomniac Created report Logged out while posting
7 years, 22 weeks agoCirras Commented on report Mark as spam!
7 years, 22 weeks agoinsomniac Created report Mark as spam!
7 years, 24 weeks agoinsomniac Commented on report Warp suck
7 years, 24 weeks agoCirras Commented on report Warp suck
EOSERV Bug Tracker