EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #476: Download Page Lacks Map Editor That Workls on Windows 11

Bug #476: Download Page Lacks Map Editor That Workls on Windows 11

Download Page Lacks Map Editor That Workls on Windows 11
ID #476
Submitter Hacker_Alex
Product eoserv.net
Severity Normal
Status OPEN, NEW
Submitted 18th Apr 2022
Updated 18th Apr 2022
Hacker_Alex Submitter 2 years, 14 weeks ago

The existing map editors on the downloads page do not run on the latest version of Windows.

EO Map 7 Preview has been released for about a year now and this vital tool has not been listed in the downloads page yet barring would be mappers from creating new work unless they stumble upon the preview forum post.

The page https://eoserv.net/download should be updated with the preview build to remedy this bug which breaks the page's functionality of providing users with a working EO tool set.


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