EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #445: Improper data read causes a crash

Bug #445: Improper data read causes a crash

Improper data read causes a crash
ID #445
Submitter Apollo
Product EOMap
Severity Normal
Submitted 16th Feb 2017
Updated 14th Dec 2020
Apollo Submitter 7 years, 45 weeks ago

In the map load function within EO_Map.cpp, the map unknown1s should have a size of 4 rather than 5. This consistently will crash official maps such as 00019.emf that contain this specific unknown map spec. (around lines 138-147 though this software is being replaced here is the fix in case this code caries over into the new EO Map build.)


Sausage Developer 7 years, 45 weeks ago

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

Sausage Developer 4 years, 1 week ago

Fixed in eomap (classic edition) in the latest 0.4.x pre-release

Updated Severity to NORMAL

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