EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug List

Bug List

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Bug List
ID Product Title Severity Status Date
#472 WebCP Karma incorrectly calculated. Trivial OPEN, NEW 3 years ago
#468 WebCP Characters with weird characters in their titles not displaying correctly Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 4 years ago
#465 WebCP Logins fail since PHP 7.1 - LoginRate: [] operator not supported for strings Normal CLOSED, FIXED 4 years ago
#454 WebCP Incorrect skin names Normal OPEN, NEW 7 years ago
#436 WebCP Can't log out of a banned account. Normal CLOSED, INVALID 7 years ago
#405 WebCP WebCP privacy improvement Feature Request CLOSED, FIXED 8 years ago
#369 WebCP Permanent bans show as expired and cannot be deleted Normal CLOSED, FIXED 8 years ago
#349 WebCP Broken page links on guild membership page Normal CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#306 WebCP Missing if GM character page link for character partner field Feature Request CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#250 WebCP HDID search option broken Normal CLOSED, FIXED 11 years ago
#154 WebCP A Better Interface Feature Request CLOSED, WONTFIX 11 years ago
#99 WebCP Database Purge Feature Request CLOSED, WONTFIX 11 years ago
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