EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #436: Can't log out of a banned account.

Bug #436: Can't log out of a banned account.

Can't log out of a banned account.
ID #436
Submitter andrewbob1
Product WebCP
Severity Normal
Submitted 10th Nov 2016
Updated 22nd Jan 2020
andrewbob1 Submitter 7 years, 38 weeks ago

I tried to log in to my account on WebCP (for game.eoserv.net) and I guess I'm banned now. But, it shows me that I have 2 characters but it's not displaying their name. It just shows the guilds they were in.

The login form is still there but I can't log in to another account because I guess it still thinks I'm logged in to this account.



Sausage Developer 4 years, 27 weeks ago

Not applicable to the released version of WebCP.

Updated Status to CLOSED, INVALID

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