Bug #468: Characters with weird characters in their titles not displaying correctly
ID | #468 |
Submitter | Sordie |
Product | WebCP |
Severity | Normal |
Submitted | 30th Jul 2020 |
Updated | 21st Dec 2020 |

Characters with weird characters in their name such as:
Title's aren't displayed in WebCP and the PHP json parser thinks it's invalid.

This is due to the html encoding function operating in UTF-8 mode and failing on an 8-bit string. Technically a configuration error, but WebCP could help by adding an ini_set('default_charset', 'cp1251') call.
The API isn't part of WebCP officially, and the issue there is that JSON is formally only specified in terms of Unicode, so the use of "application/json;charset=ISO-8859-1" (it should probably be windows-1252 now i think about it) is unusual. If a parser is failing, its because its mis-interpreting the 8-bit string as UTF-8 and then choking.
Updated Status to CONFIRMED
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