EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #420: Spell cast cooldown is not enforced

Bug #420: Spell cast cooldown is not enforced

Spell cast cooldown is not enforced
ID #420
Submitter Sausage
Product EOSERV
Severity High
Submitted 16th Jun 2016
Updated 17th Jun 2016
Related SVN Revisions
Rev# Date Description
r533 16 Jun 2016 15:03:31 UTC Enforce spell casting cooldown (bug #420), Fix casting of zero-cast-time spells with timestam ...
Sausage Submitter
8 years, 7 weeks ago

The server should enforce a delay between spell casts that exists in the client. A player using a hacked client / speed program can bypass the delay and cast spells up to twice as fast as other players in the worst case.


Sausage Submitter
8 years, 7 weeks ago

Fixed in r533.

Sausage Submitter
8 years, 7 weeks ago

Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED

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