EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #403: Weight goes above 0 with unlimitedweight after trading

Bug #403: Weight goes above 0 with unlimitedweight after trading

Weight goes above 0 with unlimitedweight after trading
ID #403
Submitter Sausage
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 15th Nov 2015
Updated 15th Nov 2015
Sausage Submitter
8 years, 37 weeks ago

Need a special hack to reset the weight of admin characters with unlimitedweight permission after accepting trades.


shayne 6 years, 6 weeks ago

"Special Hack"..

004D1D97 - 89 41 1C (Original Bytes)

004D1D97 - 90 90 90 (NO Operation)

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