EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #453: TNL Freezes upon level up

Bug #453: TNL Freezes upon level up

TNL Freezes upon level up
ID #453
Submitter Drewbob
Product EOSERV
Severity Trivial
Status OPEN, NEW
Submitted 21st Jun 2017
Updated 21st Jun 2017
Drewbob Submitter 7 years, 38 weeks ago

When a player levels up the TNL will freeze this isn't always but sometimes. You will need to relog in before you can upgrade your character or start seeing what your new TNL will be.


Apollo 7 years, 35 weeks ago

This is a client bug that occurs when a character levels up while in a party. It is possible to fool the client with a little server-side trickery, but this creates a less important cosmetic error as well (I think it was other party members seeing your true level).

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