Bug #365: Treat NPC targets at distance 0 and 1 the same
ID | #365 |
Submitter | Apollo |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Feature Request |
Status | CLOSED, FIXED |
Submitted | 9th Aug 2015 |
Updated | 1st Jul 2016 |
Rev# | Date | Description |
r535 | 01 Jul 2016 21:01:23 UTC | Ban table info is shown on startup (bug #290), NPC drops are validated (bug #359), "$d here" ... |

Players that somehow occupy a tile an NPC holds automatically have the closest distance, not a likely scenario, but given it could happen via logout/login and warp into map a player at distance 0 (on top of an NPC) should have the same targeting priority as those 1 tile distance from the NPC.

Favouring the person on top of an NPC is bad because:
- Standing under a monster guarantees it will attacks a single person who could be a tank.
Updated Status to CONFIRMED

Would be great if there was a config option added for this. I feel changing this game physic could remove some nostalgia.

Fixed in r535. No need for a config option since it was impossible to walk under NPCs on main without hacking, so it was never a part of the game.
Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED

You could spawn on top of NPCs when entering a map and they could spawn on top of you as well when they are spawned on to the map.
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