Bug #446: Warp suck
ID | #446 |
Submitter | insomniac |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Submitted | 16th Feb 2017 |
Updated | 6th May 2017 |

I walked into a skill masters building selected the skill master the dialog popped up and I got sucked out the door the menu stays open and you can interact with it! I am not to sure if this is serious or a correct emulation of main but you might want to look into it.

The menu should be mostly clientside, the server shouldn't have any idea that the menu is even open until the player clicks an option that sends a packet.
Cancelling the menu doesn't send anything to the server so it really isn't
feasible for the server to track.

What I am thinking is maybe have the warp suck function track a few more states before completing its function!
character->npc = 0;
character->npc_type = ENF::NPC;
character->board = 0;
character->jukebox_open = false;
character->tradeing = 0;
character->trade_partner = 0;

It's already the case that warping, regardless of how its done, does that. Its a problem of the client if the window stays open, but unable to actually operate.
Updated Status to CLOSED, INVALID
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