Bug #408: Using bow without arrows
ID | #408 |
Submitter | Sordie |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Status | CLOSED, FIXED |
Submitted | 26th Dec 2015 |
Updated | 1st Jul 2016 |
Rev# | Date | Description |
r535 | 01 Jul 2016 21:01:23 UTC | Ban table info is shown on startup (bug #290), NPC drops are validated (bug #359), "$d here" ... |

If a characters class is set to Archer, they can equip a bow and quickly attack without arrows.

It's been so long I forgot that this was even missing.
Updated Status to CONFIRMED

There was also something pretty broken in the sequence of welcome packets that allowed players to relog to attack without arrows. Not sure if it was ever accidentally fixed, but worth looking into as it is related.

Fixed in r535.
Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED
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