Bug #456: Config filename changes if an INCLUDE file is found and Read()
ID | #456 |
Submitter | insomniac |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Status | OPEN, NEW |
Submitted | 29th Sep 2017 |
Updated | 29th Sep 2017 |

At this point this does not matter because there is no save/out support.I am currently writing some config save/out functions and noticed the filename changes if an INCLUDE file is found Read() and is set to the last INCLUDE filename in the current file. I think the filename should be checked and set when the config is constructed rather than Read(). Also the INCLUDE data gets added to the current configs data .. I dont know if it would make more sense to create a container vector<Config> include_configs instead of directly adding the data to the current config but it seems like a logical approach. My current Config::SetKey() function https://pastebin.com/zG8RTQbR might save you time if you ever add save support.
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