EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #466: Account_Reply packet should contain sequence start

Bug #466: Account_Reply packet should contain sequence start

Account_Reply packet should contain sequence start
ID #466
Submitter Sausage
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 7th Mar 2020
Updated 7th Mar 2020
Sausage Submitter
5 years, 1 week ago

The EO client expects the current "sequence start" value to be sent in the Account_Reply packet. Because the byte is completely missing, the EO client instead reads the ascii value of "O" from "OK" as the new sequence start number, which can break the packet sequence values.

Because EOSERV currently uses sequence numbers longer than a single byte, additional logic is needed here to reset the sequence start value to something in range (between approximately 0-240).


Sausage Submitter
5 years, 1 week ago

Fixed in commit b4baec7.

This has implications for the correctness of third-party clients.

Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED

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