EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug List

Bug List

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Bug List
ID Product Title Severity Status Date
#365 EOSERV Treat NPC targets at distance 0 and 1 the same Feature Request CLOSED, FIXED 8 years ago
#364 EOSERV Allow admins to see other hidden admins online Feature Request CLOSED, FIXED 8 years ago
#363 EOSERV Allow reloading maps/pub files via signals Feature Request OPEN, CONFIRMED 8 years ago
#362 EOSERV Map and global warp commands Feature Request OPEN, CONFIRMED 8 years ago
#361 EOSERV Evacuating the jail map - server lockup Critical CLOSED, FIXED 8 years ago
#360 eoserv.net 403 - Forbidden on snap r459 Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#359 EOSERV 0x drops from NPCs should be ignored Normal CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#358 eoserv.net Can't Login to Wiki Normal CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#357 eoserv.net Avatar File Extension is Case-Sensitive Normal CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#356 EOSERV TimeEvent double free when casting spells - server crash Critical CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#355 EOSERV Out of range NPCs shouldn't move Normal CLOSED, WONTFIX 9 years ago
#354 EOSERV Quest Begin State actions should not be triggered Feature Request OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#353 EOSERV Quest goal rules not detected automatically Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#352 EOSERV Lock wait timeout exceeded in timed save - server crash Critical CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#351 EOSERV Support binary server-only pub data files Feature Request OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#350 EOSERV Support per-item max buy amount in shops Feature Request OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#349 WebCP Broken page links on guild membership page Normal CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#348 EOSERV Sitting hurts Feature Request OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#347 EOSERV Lore Gender Block on item pickups Feature Request CLOSED, WONTFIX 9 years ago
#345 eoserv.net Recent Actions (Pagination) Feature Request OPEN, NEW 9 years ago
#343 eoserv.net I'm online, but I'm offline? Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#342 eoserv.net +1 system Feature Request CLOSED, WONTFIX 9 years ago
#341 eoserv.net Profile Images Normal CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#340 eoserv.net Bring back the forum community post rating system Feature Request CLOSED, WONTFIX 9 years ago
#339 eoserv.net Active Topics Link Feature Request OPEN, NEW 9 years ago
#338 eoserv.net Notification System Feature Request OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#337 eoserv.net Username Tagging Feature Request OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#336 EOSERV Clamp Walk/Turn-Attacking Feature Request OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#335 EOSERV Strict action queue for movement/attacking Feature Request OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#334 EOSERV Non-delaying queued actions Feature Request OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#333 EOSERV Dynamic draw distance Feature Request OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#332 EOSERV $despawnitems / $despawnchests Feature Request OPEN, NEW 9 years ago
#331 EOSERV Map Drop Item Optimization Feature Request OPEN, NEW 9 years ago
#330 EOSERV Reload() does not close certain map files. Normal CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#329 eoserv.net Inbox Features Feature Request CLOSED, WONTFIX 9 years ago
#328 EOSERV Quest progress overflow Feature Request OPEN, NEW 9 years ago
#327 EOSERV Shop Glitch Normal CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#326 EOSERV Fake Trades Normal CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#324 EOSERV Smarter NPC Movement Feature Request OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#323 EOSERV Spell damage not being used. Normal CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#322 eoserv.net Wiki edits leaving in replaced lines Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#321 EOSERV Non Kill Protected NPC chase mechanic Normal OPEN, NEW 9 years ago
#320 EOSERV Session IDs aren't checked - implement EnforceSessions Feature Request OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#319 EOSERV Wrong ID used for trades Normal CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#317 EOSERV Can request out-of-range Jukebox song Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#316 EOSERV Items locked in a trade window can be removed via quests Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#315 EOSERV util::path_length can overflow Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#314 EOSERV Signed integer overflow checks may be optimized out Critical CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#313 EOSERV Can drop negative stacks of items Critical CLOSED, FIXED 9 years ago
#312 EOSERV Missing data files can prevent other files from loading. Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
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