EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #333: Dynamic draw distance

Bug #333: Dynamic draw distance

Dynamic draw distance
ID #333
Submitter Sausage
Product EOSERV
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 24th May 2015
Updated 24th May 2015
Sausage Submitter
9 years, 43 weeks ago

Dynamically change the distance that map objects (items, npcs and players) are sent to a client based on the number of them in range.

Example: If there are 1000 objects visible in the default view distance of a client, iteratively reduce the distance by 1 until the number of objects is under a safe threshold, and use that as their new view distance.


insomniac 9 years, 36 weeks ago

Do you have an estimate of map objects the client should support?

callum 9 years, 35 weeks ago

Is something like this even needed? Can't it be controlled using the MaxTile values and item cleanup? It would look awful to see random players or npcs just spawn in at 7-8 tiles range.

insomniac 9 years, 34 weeks ago

I think the concept is there but i dont think distace is key and every instace has to be evalutaed in a different way.Items and NPC's a distance check should be efficent...players no. Maybe a trickle down effect "players,NPC'S,items!

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