EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #339: Active Topics Link

Bug #339: Active Topics Link

Active Topics Link
ID #339
Submitter jimmy
Product eoserv.net
Severity Feature Request
Status OPEN, NEW
Submitted 28th May 2015
Updated 28th May 2015
jimmy Submitter 9 years, 42 weeks ago

I'm not sure if this should be considered a bug, or a 'request'. I assume this link was intended to only show active topics?. Anyways, it would be neat to have it not show 'active' topics if you read them. For example, instead of Active topics since last visit (13), it could show (0) after you have read them all. Another option would to have this be main link for notifications (if you implement a notification system). Just an idea.


jimmy Submitter 9 years, 42 weeks ago

Eh, I guess this is an issue on my end, my apology. Arjen mentioned that his returns to (0). I'm not sure as to why mine doesn't though. You can delete this thread.

Sausage Developer 9 years, 42 weeks ago

It resets to 0 only after you've spent long enough away from the website to consider your next visit a new session.

It's designed to be an "Active topics since last visit" link, not an "Unread topics since last visit" link.

I'd personally find it annoying if the topics disappeared from the list after clicking on them, and I had to go find them again. There's already unread post stickers on each topic.

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