Bug #355: Out of range NPCs shouldn't move
ID | #355 |
Submitter | callum |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Submitted | 4th Aug 2015 |
Updated | 7th Aug 2015 |

I believe on main aggressive NPCs only move when they have a target.
Like when someone traps them in the corner in factory they don't walk out until a player goes near.

It applies to all NPC's on main. NPC's do not move unless a player is in range.

I consider this an undesirable defect in the main server (similar to luring monsters on to players). There's almost no benefit in freezing NPCs that are out of a player's range, other than allowing players to abuse the mechanic.
Updated Title to Out of range NPCs shouldn't move
Updated Status to CLOSED, WONTFIX

I ended up adding it on the remake I had due to players complaining about the npcs in Apozen and Factory. There's other things that people used to lure the npcs away for on main also.

Right, killing Apozen becomes incredibly hard if you can't trap the hell guardians at the map's exit warps.
I believe the warp into Apozen's lair was purposely set to a distance from the exit warp so that if lured to the exit warps, the hell guardians would become stuck there. So I don't think it was a defect, but rather purposeful.
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