EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #313: Can drop negative stacks of items

Bug #313: Can drop negative stacks of items

Can drop negative stacks of items
ID #313
Submitter Sausage
Product EOSERV
Severity Critical
Submitted 12th Jan 2015
Updated 13th Jan 2015
Related SVN Revisions
Rev# Date Description
r442 13 Jan 2015 10:23:56 UTC Fix dropping negative amounts of items (bug #313)
Sausage Submitter
9 years, 42 weeks ago

Missing check for negative amounts in Item_Drop (handlers/Item.cpp) may give the ability to drop negative stacks of any item on the floor.


Sausage Submitter
9 years, 42 weeks ago

Fixed in r442.

Updated Status to CLOSED, FIXED

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