Bug #329: Inbox Features
ID | #329 |
Submitter | jimmy |
Product | eoserv.net |
Severity | Feature Request |
Submitted | 11th Mar 2015 |
Updated | 11th Mar 2015 |

I figured these would be some nice features to the inbox. (I didn't see this requested yet unless i missed it.)
Category's (Inbox, Sent, Trash)
Folders (?) - this would allow you to archive certain messages, etc.
Delete function - Highly needed.

Separating inbox/sent doesn't make much sense as private messages are actually just private two-way conversation threads. Anything in a sent folder would just end up copied in to your inbox if someone replied to it and vice-versa.
Folders might be useful but a lot of work for something next to no-one would ever use. Search would be a bit more useful. Most people don't care about the year old messages in their inbox that naturally float off the bottom of the first page, and if they do they could bookmark the thread in their browser.
Delete, again, makes no sense as it's a persistent thread. If you deleted it on your side we couldn't let it delete the thread on their side as well. If they replied on it after you deleted it, it would have to magically spring back to life.
Any kind of organization makes no sense for a system I can guarantee no-one has posts any more recent than a year ago pushed on to the second page. If EOSERV's forum ever becomes a major communication platform I could consider it.
Updated Status to CLOSED, WONTFIX
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