EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #347: Lore Gender Block on item pickups

Bug #347: Lore Gender Block on item pickups

Lore Gender Block on item pickups
ID #347
Submitter Apollo
Product EOSERV
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 1st Jul 2015
Updated 2nd Jul 2015
Apollo Submitter 9 years, 37 weeks ago

This one should be totally optional, but blocking players from picking up lore armors if they are not of the proper gender might be a useful setting to some. This might further be optional to include an "only if" it is not the item drop winner in case a lore has a resale/craft value. Possibly worth listing such items as an array in config in case there are cases for and against this feature but desire the option specific to only lore items listed.


Apollo Submitter 9 years, 37 weeks ago

Updated Severity to REQUEST

Sausage Developer 9 years, 37 weeks ago

This is a fairly specialist feature which is better added by the server administrator.

I hope in the future it will be possible to implement via EO++ hooks without modifying the source.

Updated Status to CLOSED, WONTFIX

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