EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #320: Session IDs aren't checked - implement EnforceSessions

Bug #320: Session IDs aren't checked - implement EnforceSessions

Session IDs aren't checked - implement EnforceSessions
ID #320
Submitter Cirras
Product EOSERV
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 5th Feb 2015
Updated 6th Feb 2015
Cirras Submitter 10 years, 6 weeks ago

When a client requests an account creation, EOSERV is simply returning the "ACCOUNT_CONTINUE" const instead of randomly generating a session ID for validation. [ACCOUNT_CONTINUE = 1000]

This allows PACKET_REQUEST/The Account_Request function to be bypassed entirely, because PACKET_CREATE/The Account_Create function doesn't currently *care* what the session ID is.


Sausage Developer 10 years, 6 weeks ago

This is part of a lack of session ID checking all over EOSERV. There's nothing so important about Account_Request that it needs to be done, and session IDs aren't necessary to enforce the ordering. The only reason to implement it is to match the strictness of the official EO protocol.

I'm gonna hijack this bug for checking session IDs in general.

Updated Title to Session IDs aren't checked - implement EnforceSessions
Updated Status to CONFIRMED

Sausage Developer 10 years, 6 weeks ago

Not a bug as there's no observable effect or problem caused by it.

Updated Severity to REQUEST

Apollo 10 years, 6 weeks ago

I think what Cirras is trying to achieve should be done with a timer to log the request start time and setting the actual create to now > (start + 120). Enforcing such a timer would prevent account create spam and bypassing the proper sequence. If you attempt this fix make sure start != 0 within the creqate handler.

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