Bug #331: Map Drop Item Optimization
ID | #331 |
Submitter | Apollo |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Feature Request |
Status | OPEN, NEW |
Submitted | 18th May 2015 |
Updated | 18th May 2015 |

Cycle out drops would in some cases would work better than simply destroying map items at given intervals. Using the max map item config to limit the number of on map drop items could benefit from simply despawning the oldest item when a new one is dropped if the cap is met. Also, if time despawning is still desired it should be given a minimum count of items to be met before destroying any items. If a map has only 2-3 items it is virtually unnecessary to despawn anything, or maybe pair it with a max drop time that would eventually destroy items once they become old enough for the sake of cleaning up a map.

I was looking over this topic and highly agree so I wrote a function it might save a little time if this feature gets added to the official build of EOSERV.
bool paircompare(const std::pair<int, double>& first_element, const std::pair<int, double>& second_element)
return first_element.second < second_element.second;
void world_despawn_items(void *world_void)
World *world = static_cast<World *>(world_void);
std::vector<std::pair<int,double>> old_items;
int min_item_amount = static_cast<int>(world->config["MapItemMinAmount"]);
int max_item_amount = static_cast<int>(world->config["MaxMap"]);
UTIL_PTR_VECTOR_FOREACH(world->maps, Map, map)
old_items.clear();//clears the vector
UTIL_PTR_LIST_FOREACH(map->items, Map_Item, item)
if (item->unprotecttime < (Timer::GetTime() - static_cast<double>(world->config["ItemDespawnRate"])))//item is not owned??
std::sort(old_items.begin(), old_items.end(), paircompare);//sorts the vector by the oldest timers
UTIL_PTR_LIST_FOREACH(map->items, Map_Item, item)
if(old_items.size() <= min_item_amount)break;//compare size before executing the rest of the code
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < old_items.size(); ++i)
if (item->uid == old_items[i].first)//check uid
if(old_items.size() > max_item_amount)//make sure map item size is more than max
map->DelItem(item->uid, 0);
old_items.erase(old_items.begin() + i );
goto restart_loop;//recheck map item size and execute code again if needed

I added a boolean check in case people still want to clear all items regardless
bool clear_all = world->config["MapItemClearAll"];
UTIL_PTR_LIST_FOREACH(map->items, Map_Item, item)
if(old_items.size() <= min_item_amount && !clear_all)break;//compare size before executing the rest of the code
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < old_items.size(); ++i)
if (item->uid == old_items[i].first)//check uid
if(old_items.size() > max_item_amount || clear_all)//make sure map item size is more than max or should clear all
map->DelItem(item->uid, 0);
old_items.erase(old_items.begin() + i );
goto restart_loop;//recheck map item size and execute code again if needed
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