Bug #316: Items locked in a trade window can be removed via quests
ID | #316 |
Submitter | Sausage |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Submitted | 13th Jan 2015 |
Updated | 13th Jan 2015 |

Quest RemoveItem actions can potentially delete items that are currently locked in a trade window, resulting in scamming.

surely it's just a case of if (!this->character->trading) on like 579 just after "else if (function_name == "removeitem")" in quest.cpp, should be a work around for it as well as stopping the quest progression if the character is trading?

All quest actions are evaluated when entering a new quest state. Telling the quest to simply not remove an item if character is in trade will do simply that, which would allow a player to evade giving up quest items. A better solution might be to check if the character is in fact trading, and then pulling any quest item from the trade window if it is part of a quest remove item action.

That's why I suggested stopping the quest progression also :P but yeah your solution is better all round ^_^
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