EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #354: Quest Begin State actions should not be triggered

Bug #354: Quest Begin State actions should not be triggered

Quest Begin State actions should not be triggered
ID #354
Submitter Apollo
Product EOSERV
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 4th Aug 2015
Updated 7th Aug 2015
Apollo Submitter 9 years, 33 weeks ago

Per official comment lines in quests and behavior tests on the official server, only quest dialogs can occur as triggered actions when a quest begins. An example would be a ShowHint("") action in a begin state which does not trigger until an NPC input is triggered, regardless of if it moves the state to a new state or does nothing. This can be seen in quest 17 and others. This bug also cancels bug 206.


Sausage Developer 9 years, 32 weeks ago

Not interested in emulating this weird behavior exactly, but I am interested in having quest start delayed when talking to NPCs, by reading out the NPC rules and presenting the dialogs, but not actually starting the quest until an input is chosen.

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

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