Bug #206: Special case quest dialog abort
ID | #206 |
Submitter | Apollo |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Trivial |
Submitted | 16th Dec 2012 |
Updated | 22nd Dec 2012 |

There needs to be a method to make quest dialogs to abort when the immediately following state has no dialog but a rule within it immediately forwards the quest to a state with dialog.
For an example, see the "Slime Defender" quest on EO main.
State begin (text with input) input goto hint
State hint ( showhint) always() goto begin
In EOSERV it is impossible to emulate the desired effect EO main produces. EOSERV will repeat the begin text dialog rather than closing the dialog box.

Not sure about the best way to fix this, would rather not have it depend an intermediate state but...
Updated Status to CONFIRMED

This bug is invalid due to further research of the official software's handling of quest actions in the begin state, see bug #351

Edit: Bug #354
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