Bug #351: Support binary server-only pub data files
ID | #351 |
Submitter | Sausage |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Feature Request |
Submitted | 2nd Aug 2015 |
Updated | 2nd Aug 2015 |

Support EID (home), EDF (drops), ESF (shops), EMF (skills), ETF (npc dialog) alternatives to the existing .ini formats.
Data formats documented here: http://tehsausage.com/neweopub.txt
Compatibility issues with EOSERV affecting citizenship data:
- Home IDs would become numeric instead of named

It should be possible on the server end to config level and inn cost. Wanderers would need a level specific respawn as there is no distinction otherwise.

Are there official eid/edf/esf/emf/etf files that can be tested against with a parser? If so, please provide.
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