Bug #312: Missing data files can prevent other files from loading.
ID | #312 |
Submitter | Apollo |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Submitted | 19th Dec 2014 |
Updated | 22nd Dec 2014 |

If any data file is missing, any file that is loaded in sequence after the missing file will fail to load. Recommend breaking the try-catch up into separate entities for each file to prevent any single file from breaking the collective of files from loading.

Applies to .ini files (shops, drops, etc.) in this order:
this->drops_config.Read(this->config["DropsFile"]); this->shops_config.Read(this->config["ShopsFile"]); this->arenas_config.Read(this->config["ArenasFile"]); this->formulas_config.Read(this->config["FormulasFile"]); this->home_config.Read(this->config["HomeFile"]); this->skills_config.Read(this->config["SkillsFile"]);
Updated Status to CONFIRMED
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