EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #336: Clamp Walk/Turn-Attacking

Bug #336: Clamp Walk/Turn-Attacking

Clamp Walk/Turn-Attacking
ID #336
Submitter Apollo
Product EOSERV
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 25th May 2015
Updated 25th May 2015
Apollo Submitter 9 years, 43 weeks ago

To prevent attacking before animation of walking/changing direction occurs, restrictions should be implemented to prevent a change of direction and/or attacking before the walk animation completes to prevent exploits commonly used in PvP zones and Arena.


Sausage Developer 9 years, 43 weeks ago

There is some protection against turning+attacking instantly with EnforceTimestamps enabled, but it is still possible to spoof timestamps to do this.

This is probably best handled in a full re-design of the action queuing / timing system, like with bug #334, as well as enforcing the rate of increase of timestamps.

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

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