EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #343: I'm online, but I'm offline?

Bug #343: I'm online, but I'm offline?

I'm online, but I'm offline?
ID #343
Submitter Nurd
Product eoserv.net
Severity Normal
Submitted 1st Jun 2015
Updated 3rd Jun 2015
Nurd Submitter 9 years, 42 weeks ago

Unsure if this has been reported in the past. If so, my apologies.

Whenever I log in to eoserv.net and access the forums (while logged in), it shows me as offline, rather than online, aswell as other online members.


I don't think this is a major problem but hey, a fix can't hurt, right?


Apollo 9 years, 42 weeks ago

It is happening to me to. Probably something Sausage broke with recent site changes.

jimmy 9 years, 42 weeks ago

I assume it has something to do with the removal of Online list. I could be wrong though. Not sure how he handles online activity. Hopefully this can be fixed though.

Sausage Developer 9 years, 41 weeks ago

Updated Severity to NORMAL
Updated Status to CONFIRMED

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