EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #338: Notification System

Bug #338: Notification System

Notification System
ID #338
Submitter jimmy
Product eoserv.net
Severity Feature Request
Submitted 26th May 2015
Updated 26th May 2015
jimmy Submitter 9 years, 43 weeks ago

Another idea that would be useful to have around EOServ.net.

This idea is more tied to the username tagging idea. I suppose it would notify you depending on certain events (replies, tags, quotes, whatever). It could work a lot similar to the inbox notification (badges?). Once again, nothing important, but overall helpful.


Apollo 9 years, 43 weeks ago

This should be a part of #337 as user tagging would be obsolete without a notification function.

Sausage Developer 9 years, 43 weeks ago

Reply notifications aren't included in bug #337.

Most annoying part of this would be needing an opt-out feature.

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

jimmy Submitter 9 years, 42 weeks ago

I wouldn't say it should be apart of #337. The notification idea could be useful for multiple things around the website. Important link to announcements, private messages, quotes, tags, etc. I think it's appropriate to have a separate thread.

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