EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug List

Bug List

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Bug List
ID Product Title Severity Status Date
#467 EOSERV EnforceWeight setting is not enforced Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 4 years ago
#463 EOSERV Items dropped by players on to full tiles will disappear Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 5 years ago
#457 EOSERV Trading isn't blocked on jail maps High OPEN, CONFIRMED 7 years ago
#452 EOSERV Friends list packet sends each name twice Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 7 years ago
#451 EOSERV The database install.sql script is not compatible with MySQL High OPEN, CONFIRMED 7 years ago
#444 EOSERV TalkedToNpc doesn't work with NPC vendor IDs above 127 Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 7 years ago
#440 EOSERV TalkedToNpc doesn't trigger without dialog Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 7 years ago
#439 EOSERV NPC Ghosting Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 8 years ago
#424 EOSERV Too many bytes in Map::Msg(NPC *from, std::string message) Trivial OPEN, CONFIRMED 8 years ago
#419 EOSERV Newly added guild members not sorted in to member list Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 8 years ago
#411 EOSERV Missing Recursion Check for reloaded quests may cause a crash. High OPEN, CONFIRMED 8 years ago
#403 EOSERV Weight goes above 0 with unlimitedweight after trading Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#401 EOSERV $setX commands are all blocked under the nointeract rule Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#391 EOSERV Players getting "Level up" animations when someone finishes a quest near them Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#382 EOSERV Usage double counted for $duty characters. Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#381 EOSERV Combining $request and $duty can cause server to crash High OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#379 EOSERV Client does not attempt to load the map when using $duty Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#353 EOSERV Quest goal rules not detected automatically Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#317 EOSERV Can request out-of-range Jukebox song Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#316 EOSERV Items locked in a trade window can be removed via quests Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#315 EOSERV util::path_length can overflow Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#312 EOSERV Missing data files can prevent other files from loading. Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 9 years ago
#301 EOSERV when experience is given from quests and a said player has unused stat points the quest action sets the said players stat points Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 10 years ago
#286 EOSERV Prevent random friendly NPC spawning Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 10 years ago
#278 EOSERV Random critical hits impossible with low accuracy Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 10 years ago
#276 EOSERV Configuration data not reoved $rehash Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 10 years ago
#275 EOSERV Iterator/object invalidation bugs Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 10 years ago
#273 EOSERV Investigate UTIL_FOREACH for heavy copying Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 10 years ago
#268 EOSERV warp scroll used during walk breaks map data and mixes parts of old and new map Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 11 years ago
#245 EOSERV Interacting with locked chests Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 11 years ago
#242 EOSERV Chest Updates Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 11 years ago
#239 EOSERV If and Else working on NpcText and NpcInput Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 11 years ago
#206 EOSERV Special case quest dialog abort Trivial OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#176 EOSERV HP and TP can be unsigned Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#169 EOSERV Chest item spawns upside-down Trivial OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#140 EOSERV Inactive quest state not removed by Reset() Trivial OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#139 EOSERV Packet queue problems (ping reply delay) Trivial OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#138 EOSERV Enforce Account Create and Login Time. Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#118 EOSERV $setX commands shouldn't warp you Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#104 EOSERV Attacking through NPCs Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#102 EOSERV $kick/$ban/disconnection delay Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#100 EOSERV Warp packet delay Trivial OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#93 EOSERV Wrong error message for admin commands Trivial OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#88 EOSERV NPCs walking out of range poof Trivial OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#77 EOSERV Walking kills NPC interaction Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#72 EOSERV Fix the config. Trivial OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#47 EOSERV stdout is not line buffered or flushed. Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#36 EOSERV EOSERV says everyone is a warrior Trivial OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
#11 EOSERV Chest spawns aren't reloaded on $remap Normal OPEN, CONFIRMED 12 years ago
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