EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #444: TalkedToNpc doesn't work with NPC vendor IDs above 127

Bug #444: TalkedToNpc doesn't work with NPC vendor IDs above 127

TalkedToNpc doesn't work with NPC vendor IDs above 127
ID #444
Submitter Sausage
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 14th Feb 2017
Updated 14th Feb 2017
Sausage Submitter
8 years, 5 weeks ago

The TalkedToNpc quest rule does not work for NPC vendor IDs above 127 because of incorrectly using char, instead of short, as the parameter type in "Quest_Context::TalkedNPC(char vendor_id)".


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Please log in to add comments. EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #444: TalkedToNpc doesn't work with NPC vendor IDs above 127