EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #102: $kick/$ban/disconnection delay

Bug #102: $kick/$ban/disconnection delay

$kick/$ban/disconnection delay
ID #102
Submitter Sausage
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 9th Sep 2012
Updated 9th Sep 2012
Sausage Submitter
12 years, 20 weeks ago

There's a delay of a couple of seconds before they're disconnected where they still have full control over their account. The connection should be limited to one-way only, and their character removed from the game immediately.


Apollo 12 years, 13 weeks ago

I have also noticed this delay prior to even logging in while testing the account registration boolean. Should there be any reason why a connection should be held if Close() is called prior to any real login scenario?

Sausage Submitter
12 years, 13 weeks ago

Yes, the primary reason it was added is to give enough time for connection rejection messages to go through without just disconnecting them.

Apollo 12 years, 13 weeks ago

The rejection messages prior to in game login actually depend on the dropped connection before they are displayed. In game messages via chat menu are also held on screen even after the client displays "lost connection". I don't see any justification for this other than a client with a poor connection, but they might lose connection before receiving such a signal without the aid of the server to begin with.

Sausage Submitter
11 years, 47 weeks ago

The technical reason for keeping the connection open is because EOSERV has its own internal send-queue that has to be emptied before closing the socket. There's no reason to still accept data from the connected client, or to leave their character online other than the bug hasn't been fixed yet.

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