Bug #440: TalkedToNpc doesn't trigger without dialog
ID | #440 |
Submitter | Sausage |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Submitted | 18th Dec 2016 |
Updated | 18th Dec 2016 |

TalkedToNpc was supposed to trigger when an NPC has no dialog, as was documented here: https://eoserv.net/wiki/Quest_Reference

There are plenty of other rules to move the quest state in the case no dialog is present. TalkedToNpc should be considered as reading the quest dialog box where you assume a conversation between a quest NPC and a player occurs. Further investigation into Vult's comments confirm this to be true:
// begin states only contains npctext or input, so the quest can only
// be triggered by talking to a NPC
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