EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #268: warp scroll used during walk breaks map data and mixes parts of old and new map

Bug #268: warp scroll used during walk breaks map data and mixes parts of old and new map

warp scroll used during walk breaks map data and mixes parts of old and new map
ID #268
Submitter make
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 31st Oct 2013
Updated 31st Oct 2013
make Submitter 11 years, 17 weeks ago

1. when useng a warp scroll during walking breaks map data and mixes parts of old and new map.

2. refresh changes nothing. but warping out or in with same scroll reloads the correct map data.

3. sometimes the npc/walls/objects will load from the map being warped to with parts of new map/or old npc and new map data will load.


Sausage Developer 11 years, 17 weeks ago

Can't remember the exact reason this happens or why it wasn't fixed, but I think it's something to do with the packet queue.

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

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