EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #301: when experience is given from quests and a said player has unused stat points the quest action sets the said players stat points

Bug #301: when experience is given from quests and a said player has unused stat points the quest action sets the said players stat points

when experience is given from quests and a said player has unused stat points the quest action sets the said players stat points
ID #301
Submitter make
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 30th Apr 2014
Updated 4th Aug 2015
make Submitter 10 years, 39 weeks ago

when experience is given from quests and a said player has unused stat points the quest action sets the said players stat points to 0 until a relog or true level up.


i have 14 unused stat points

i receive 1500 experience points from a completed quest. but do not level up,"but see the level up emote".

my said stat points are set to "0" not "14" until i relog or have a true level up


Apollo 10 years, 18 weeks ago

It is most likely due to the experience/levelup packet being incomplete for that occurance. The actual packet should be elsewhere in the code so you can update that packet to fix it. Not sure why levelup/exp gain from a quest is not its own function as it is called in a few places.

Sausage Developer 9 years, 25 weeks ago

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

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Please log in to add comments. EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #301: when experience is given from quests and a said player has unused stat points the quest action sets the said players stat points