Bug #245: Interacting with locked chests
ID | #245 |
Submitter | Plasmastar |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Submitted | 17th Apr 2013 |
Updated | 3rd May 2013 |

Fully functionality if you ignore the client and send the packet anyways.
The behavior on EOMain is to send back a Action:SPEC_Family:CHEST packet, specifying it's locked. Albeit, EOMain does send back the list of items in a locked check if you ADD/REMOVE items. It might be good to do a small check for a key anyways.

Sorry, that should say "Full functionality" and "locked chest", not "locked check". Wish to have edit button...

Oh, yea I noticed that there was no key checks whatsoever in the chest code, how odd. ;.;

Chest keys are weird, and unimplemented.
Updated Status to CONFIRMED
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