Bug #242: Chest Updates
ID | #242 |
Submitter | Ryouken |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Submitted | 17th Apr 2013 |
Updated | 3rd May 2013 |
I noticed that chests update their contents to people near them. But if a player were to be next to 2 chests, this could cause trouble. :s I suggest giving the character a pointer to the last chest they opened that way it knows which chest they opened instead of just sending it to anyone near the chest.
This would also help keep people from looking at the contents of a chest they don't have a key to since it would only send to people who opened the chest last. I would still suggest that there be a check of their inventory for the key though, since they can just drop the key and still have it as the last opened one.
Great idea.
Updated Status to CONFIRMED
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