EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #239: If and Else working on NpcText and NpcInput

Bug #239: If and Else working on NpcText and NpcInput

If and Else working on NpcText and NpcInput
ID #239
Submitter Ryouken
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 5th Apr 2013
Updated 5th Apr 2013
Ryouken Submitter 11 years, 47 weeks ago

I'm not sure if this is a bug, I'm assuming it was meant to not work with if and else but it would be nice if I could use If and Else statements on the AddNpcText and AddNpcInput actions.


Sausage Developer 11 years, 47 weeks ago

It does look like an oversight, marking it as a bug. Those two actions are special as they're "evaluated" on login and such to re-build the dialogs. The problem would presumably affect any future dialog building functions if not fixed.

Also looks like the way dialog functions are implemented right now could make them fail to work nicely in future language extensions like procedures.

Updated Severity to NORMAL
Updated Status to CONFIRMED

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