EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #411: Missing Recursion Check for reloaded quests may cause a crash.

Bug #411: Missing Recursion Check for reloaded quests may cause a crash.

Missing Recursion Check for reloaded quests may cause a crash.
ID #411
Submitter Apollo
Product EOSERV
Severity High
Submitted 2nd Apr 2016
Updated 5th Apr 2016
Apollo Submitter 8 years, 45 weeks ago

Since EOSERV only evaluates quests as runtime to detect errors such as recursion depth, it is possible for a player to be disconnected or even a server crash. A less destructive solution might be to simply disable the quest and send the error to the console window and error.log.


Sausage Developer 8 years, 45 weeks ago

Would prefer if it always disconnected the user and never crashed the server.

Severity is High as it is potentially a crash triggered by maliciously written quests.

Updated Severity to HIGH

Sausage Developer 8 years, 45 weeks ago

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

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