EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #176: HP and TP can be unsigned

Bug #176: HP and TP can be unsigned

HP and TP can be unsigned
ID #176
Submitter Ryouken
Product EOSERV
Severity Normal
Submitted 15th Nov 2012
Updated 15th Nov 2012
Ryouken Submitter 12 years, 11 weeks ago

I was wondering why hp and tp are signed when the client uses them as unsigned shorts. If hp is signed and too high, it can instantly kill you when hit. Having them unsigned would keep this from happening I would think. o.o


Sausage Developer 12 years, 11 weeks ago

In most cases non-single-byte values are treated as signed by the client (even though negative numbers are never used in EO; fun fact), so EOSERV follows that. The maximum stat values EOSERV can enforce should be used to keep users from going anywhere near overflowing hp or damage values, if you're getting numbers that big, changing to unsigned will only double the range before you start seeing anomalies, so you should be aiming to keep your hp/damage values well below 10,000 if you want to give yourself breathing room.

Will investigate to see if unsigned values can be used in some places to match the client better, and/or do something a little more sane in the case of overflow.

Updated Status to CONFIRMED

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