Bug #401: $setX commands are all blocked under the nointeract rule
ID | #401 |
Submitter | Sausage |
Product | EOSERV |
Severity | Normal |
Submitted | 15th Nov 2015 |
Updated | 15th Nov 2015 |
9 years, 10 weeks ago
A few $setX commands are blocked with the nointeract restriction on, but not blocked by non-duty character restrictions: $setadmin, $settitle, $setfiance, $setpartner and $setguildrank.
This forces an admin with nointeract restrictions to switch to a non-admin character to use any of those commands.
Should be changed to be blocked or allowed consistently.
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Please log in to add comments. EOSERV Bug Tracker > Bug #401: $setX commands are all blocked under the nointeract rule