EOSERV Wiki > Page: Getting EOSERV

Getting EOSERV

There are several ways to obtain EOSERV. The recommended way for server admins is to download a pre-compiled binary. The recommended way for developers is to check-out the source directly from SVN.

Downloading a Windows binary

Simply download the latest version of EOSERV from http://eoserv.net/download#binary and it's ready to go.

Downloading an SVN snapshot

If SVN is really such a hassle you can download the latest SVN snapshots from http://eoserv.net/pub/files/snaps/ (generated every few hours). This isn't recommended as it is much more difficult to create patches and keep EOSERV up to date.

On Windows, WinRAR can extract these files. On Linux, use the command tar -zxf eoserv-trunk-rXXXX.tar.gz

After downloading, see Compiling_EOSERV.

Checking-out from SVN

Windows users: See the walkthrough guide at EOSERV_TortoiseSVN. Linux users: See the walkthrough guide at EOSERV_SVN.

EOSERV Wiki > Page: Getting EOSERV