EOSERV Wiki > Page: Compiling EOSERV

Compiling EOSERV


Download the following programs and files if you don't have them already.

Set up

Install Code::Blocks and TDM-GCC.


  • Type of install: Custom (default)
  • Installation directory: %ProgramFiles%\CodeBlocks (default)
  • Edition: MinGW based installation (32-bit) (default)
  • Installation directory: %ProgramFiles%\CodeBlocks\MinGW32 (change)
  • Type of install: TDM-GCC Recommended, C/C++ (default)
Extract the archive containing the needed files to your EOSERV directory.

  • For the newest version (currently 305), add the files from the '''"\include\"''' folder to '''"\src\"'''.


Open the EOSERV project file (eoserv\project\mingw.cbp). Code::Blocks will load the project. Open '''Project > Build options''' and go to the '''Search directories''' tab. Go to the '''Compiler''' tab. Add '''"..\include"''' (without quotation marks). Go to the '''Linker''' tab. Add '''"..\lib"'''.


In the upper left corner, select a build target from the drop down menu.
  • '''DEBUG''' targets are for debug builds.
  • '''MYSQL''' targets are for MySQL-supportive builds.
  • '''SQLITE''' targets are for SQLite-supportive builds.
Example: MYSQL+SQLITE will build a version of EOSERV that supports both MySQL and SQLite. Go to the '''Build''' menu and select '''Build'''.
EOSERV Wiki > Page: Compiling EOSERV