EOSERV Wiki > Page: EOSERV Admin Assigning - MySQL

EOSERV Admin Assigning - MySQL

To assign yourself as an admin with MySQL is simple. Firstly you need to download a tool for editing the database data. For this tutorial we shall use HeidiSQL.

This tutorial assumes you already have MySQL installed along with EOSERV setup correctly. If you have not done this already then visit the Setting_Up_A_Server tutorial first.

Firstly, make an account and character with the Endless Online client. Once you have done this close it because now we are going to make that character an admin.

If you followed the guide above you should already have HeidiSQL installed on your system. If you do not have this then please install it now as we are going to be using it for this tutorial.

Open up HeidiSQL and you should be faced with a dialog named "Session manager". Click "New" and enter the Hostname/IP. If you are running this from the same machine the server is on then leave it as since that is also known as localhost.


Type in the username and password for your server and then select "Save" You can also name this connection in the list box on the left hand side of the dialog.

Now that you have this done select "Open". You should now see all the databased associated to your MySQL account.

Select the database you use for EOSERV. Mine in this case is named "eoserv".


Double click on "characters" then click the tab named "Data". You'll now see a list with all characters that are registered with your server. Select the character you created earlier on in this tutorial. Slide across and you should see a section called "admin" change this from "0" to "4"



Now click another row and it shall automaticly save.

Close HeidiSQL and log back into the game via the client and you should be an admin.

EOSERV Wiki > Page: EOSERV Admin Assigning - MySQL