EOSERV Wiki > Page: Setting Up A Server

Setting Up A Server

Step 1: Download all the necessary software/tools.

* MySQL: http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/ (Community Edition)
* EOServ Revision 103: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2rwqnvdemyy/Revision103.zip (Brought to you by xsepx)
* Or you could not be a total tool and actually download a good revision from: http://eoserv.net/trac/browser/eoserv/trunk. (Brought to you by someone other than Scott! Let's face it, if we relied on Scott for everything, we'd probably be an extinct species by now!)
* HeidiSQL: http://www.heidisql.com/download.php
* DynDNS Update Client: http://cdn.dyndns.com/windows/DynUpSetup.exe (Only required if you do not have a static IP or just wish to use a hostname)

Step 2: Install MySQL

1. Launch the installer.

2. Choose "Typical" setup type, click "Next", click "Install", click "Next" two more times, and finally click "Finish". (Be sure to leave "Configure the MySQL Server now" box checked)

3. You should know see a "MySQL Server Instance Configuration Wizard" window. Click "Next", then select "Standard Configuration" and click "Next" once more, Click "Next" again, You now need to set a root MySQL password, enter the password you choose twice and click"Next"(We will use root pass for this tutorial), finally click "Execute", and then click "Finish". (If all went well you should see the following message before clicking "Finish": Configuration file created, Windows service MySQL installed, Service start successfully, Security settings applied.

Step 3: Install HeidiSQL

1. Launch the installer.

2. Click "Next", Read the "License Agreement" and then select the "I accept the agreement" bubble, then click "Next", click "Next" three times, click "Install", and finally click "Finish". (Minimize HeidiSQL once it launches)

Step 4: Configure EOServ Rev. 103

1. Open the ZIP File called "Revision103.zip", click "Extract all files", Change the "Files will be extracted to this folder:" path to the location you wish to run EOServ from (We will choose the "Desktop" as the location).

2. Open the folder which contains the EOServ files, Open the folder called "Trunk".

3. Maximize HeidiSQL, Use the connection settings below, then click "Connect" Hostname/IP: User: root Password: (The password you chose for root) Port: 3306

4. Select "Tools" and click "Create database", Type "eoserv" into the "Name:" field, and click "Ok".

5. Select "Import" and click "Load SQL file", Navigate to the directory to which you extracted the EOServ files, select "install.sql" and click "Open", then press F9.

6. Close HeidiSQL.

7. Open the "config.ini", change the "Port" setting if you wish, change the "PasswordSalt" settings to a random string of characters, under the "Database" section of the file change the "DBUser" to "root" and the "DBPass" to the password you set up for the root account.

8. Either save and close the file or minimize the text editor.

9. Follow the first 3 steps at: http://www.dyndns.com/services/dns/dyndns/howto.html (You will need to install the "DynDNS Update Client" you downloaded in Step 1), Login in the Update Client with the account you signed up for and select your "hostname" to update, Click "Ok".

10. Reopen or Maximize the "config.ini" file, go the "SLN" section, change "SLNHost" to the "hostname" you set up at DynDNS, change the "SLNSite" option to your website (not required), and change the "ServerName" to the name of your server, and finally save the file.

11. Change any other setting in "config.ini" and "admin.ini" to your liking. (No other changes are required though.)

12. At this point you should be able to launch "eoserv.exe" and login after changing your Endless Online Client's IP/Hostname and Port (if applicable), if "eoserv.exe" immediately closes or Endless Online doesn't login/register you have not completed something correctly.

Step 5: Portforward

1. You know can locally play, but if you have a router, anyone that is not on your local network cannot play.

2. Go to: http://www.portforward.com/english/routers/port_forwarding/routerindex.htm and find your router. You can use any guide for that router basically, as long as you choose TCP and use the correct port and local IP address.

3. '''You should be good to go! Enjoy playing!'''

EOSERV Wiki > Page: Setting Up A Server