I've already forwarded, and I have created another host on no-ip.org
Not sure what is wrong, so I'm posting my Seose info.
You guys can look at it and tell me if anything's wrong.
I've reviewed it numerous times, though, so...
<!DOCTYPE xini >
** Seose.xini
** Sordies Endless Online Server Emulator
** Main configuration file
** You should back this file up before editing. Don't bug my MSN if you break it.
TermsAgreed = true
MaxConnections = 500 /* Max number of connections to the server */
ThrottleInterval = 1 /* Number of server dispatches before throttle */
ThrottleTime = 100 /* Milliseconds to throttle the server */
PingTime = 60000 /* Milliseconds between client checks */
ConnectionsPerIP = 10 /* Max number of connections per IP */
AutoKick = true /* Automaticly kick a logged in session upon relog */
This controls how the server manages threads for connections.
Uses a fixed number (MaxThreads) of threads. The connection will be
controlled in the context of the thread with the lowest number of other
connections. Threads are dynamicly created/destroyed as they are needed.
This is the recommended setting.
Serializes connection in a thread until "ConnectionsPerThread" is
reached, then a new thread is create for connections.
Serialize all connections in one thread only.
Strategy = Pool
MaxThreads = 50 /* Only used if Strategy = Pool */
ConnectionsPerThread = 10 /* Only used if Strategy = Stack */
ThrottleInterval = 5 /* Number of thread dispatches before throttle */
ThrottleTime = 10 /* Milliseconds to throttle the thread */
CPUMask = 0 /* Bit mask of allowed CPU cores to use (0=any) */
*WARNING* If you don't know what "binding" does then you don't need to edit it.
Leave it at
Connection binding using the format: IP:PORT
The IP can be in any standard decimal, octal or hexadecimal notation, or
a mix of the three. It is possible to specify multiple bindings (separated
by whitespace or a new line). However, on most systems it will fail. Only
some *nix systems support multiple bindings.
CheckPacketSequence = false /* Check for valid packet sequence bytes */
Encryption key used for creating password hashes.
WARNING: Changing this will make make all old accounts in accessable
PasswordKey = "D4q9_f30da%£q02£)8"
Purging data will prevent the client from saving maps, etc..
This will (help) prevent people from copying your map files.
PurgeData = false
QueueSize = 10 /* Number of packets that can be queued before disconnection */
WalkThreshold = 400 /* Milliseconds between walk packets */
AttackThreshold = 400 /* Milliseconds between attack packets */
SpellThreshold = 400 /* Milliseconds between spell packets */
/* IP reporting services */
These are no longer used as Seose doesn't "self check" anymore.
I'll leave them here incase I decide to do this again.
If you want to check your server use http://sordie.co.uk/checkserver.php
Name = "Corruption Online" /* The name of your server */
URL = "http://sordie.co.uk" /* The website for your server */
Host = "localhost" /* The domain name of your server (leave blank if none) */
Port = 0 /* The external port of your server (0=auto) */
RegistrationDisabled = false /* Disables account registration */
"Holiday" allows you to specify some new maps for events such as Christmas, Halloween etc.
If a holiday is set Seose will atempt to load its maps from {MapDir}/{HoldayName}/*.emf
Any non existant maps are loaded from the default maps folder.
This can also be changed dynamiclly using the +holiday <holidayname> admin command.
However, changes made using the admin command are not persistant between server restarts
Holiday = ""
ProximityWarp = 30000 /* Number of ms before warping with warp tile proximity */
PersistentGlobal = true /* Send global chat to clients with the global tab closed */
MaxLength = 140 /* Max length of chat text */
/* Number of milliseconds to protect drops */
ProtectPlayer = 2000 /* Items dropped by players */
ProtectNPC = 5000 /* Items dropped by NPCs */
This is some server new!
Don't you just love news?
[news] { Some more news! }
[news] { Woo! I like news. =P }
Global = true /* Global PvP */
RaceWar = true /* Will make it only possible to kill players of a different race */
Mutate = true /* Will mutate all maps to become PvP maps. Only required to use offensive spells. */
Exp = 0 /* Rate of Exp per player kills */
AntiCamp = true /* Prevents players from killing or being killed on their home map */
AntiGank = 10 /* Prevents players from killing players with a level < theirs-AntiGank (0=disable) */
AntiFarm = 20 /* Prevents players from killing players with a level > theirs+AntiFarm (0=disable) */
/* List of excluded (or safe) maps */
Exclude = "5,14~15,20~22,24~26,27,29,30,33,47,48~51,56~59,65~70,76,84~100,106~108,115,118,125,154,156,157,161,162,164,192,193,199,200~206,211~219,221,239,240,248,278"
Exp = 100 /* % Experience gain rate */
Drop = 100 /* % Drop chance */
Regen = 100 /* % Max HP to regenerate every regen event */
Skill = 3 /* Skill points awarded for leveling */
Stat = 3 /* Stat points awarded for leveling */
Buy = 50 /* % Of the sell cost a shop keeper will buy an item back */
Sleep = 100 /* % Of gold per HP point needed to sleep at an inn */
View = 12 /* How far a character can see/interact */
Item = 50000000 /* The maximum amount of any item */
Drop = false /* Setting this to "true" will make a player drop their items on death */
/* This is the same as "deadly" on EOSERV */
Protect = 300000 /* Number of ms to protect "deadly" drops when killed by an NPC */
/* (note: when PKed the dropped items are protected by the killer) */
Race = -1 /* Change to a "death race" rather than warping home (-1 = warp home) */
Trade = false /* Allow trades when dead */
Talk = false /* Allow talking when dead */
Item = false /* Allow item drop, pickup, equip, junk, etc when dead */
Map = 76 /* Jail map ID */
X = 6 /* X warp location of jailed players */
Y = 5 /* Y warp location of jailed players */
AllowTrades = false /* Allow trades on the jail map. Will also block dropping */
AllowGlobal = false /* Allow using global on the jail map */
/* WARNING: Effects are currently buggy. It's best not to use them until I fix them */
Title = 0 /* Player was awarded a title */
Race = 0 /* Players race changed */
Admin = 0 /* Players admin level changed */
Cure = 0 /* Player cured of cursed items */
Resurrect = 0 /* Player resurrected by a priest */
Name = "Noob" /* Name of homeless players "home" */
Map = 2 /* Spawn map of homeless players */
X = 13 /* Spawn X position of homeless players */
Y = 40 /* Spawn Y position of homeless players */
AllowWarp = true /* Allow helper NPCs to warp players to other maps */
AllowClass = true /* Allow helper NPCs to change a players class */
Classes = "2~6"
Maps = "8,48,72,84,151"
MaxSubjectLength = 60 /* Maximum length of a subject */
MaxMessageLength = 255 /* Maximum length of a message body */
MaxMessages = 20 /* Maximum number of messages per board */
MaxMessagerPerUser = 2 /* Maximum number of messages per user per board (max=2) */
ShowNews = true /* Always show the server news as the first post on boards */
ListInvisible = false /* Will invisible admins show on the Player list */
/* Mimimum admim level required to perform the commands */
/* Light guides */
hide = 1 /* Toggle invisible state */
info = 1 /* View information about a player */
find = 1 /* Find a players location */
title = 1 /* Award a player a title */
effect = 1 /* Play an effect on a player, pointless but fun */
id = 1 /* Lookup item/map/spell/class/npc IDs */
cure = 1 /* Cure a a player of cursed items */
seehide = 1 /* See hidden players in the playerlist */
/* Guardians */
mute = 2 /* Mute a player */
goto = 2 /* Teleport to a location / player */
warp = 2 /* Teleport another player */
jail = 2 /* Jail a player */
kick = 2 /* Disconnect a player */
stitle = 2 /* Silently title a player */
race = 2 /* Change a players race */
srace = 2 /* Silently change a players race */
announce = 2 /* Use the @ announce */
/* Game Masters */
smute = 3 /* Silently mute a player */
sjail = 3 /* Silently jail a player */
skick = 3 /* Silently kick a player */
spawn = 3 /* Spawn an NPC (should be the same level as killnpc) */
killnpc = 3 /* Kill an NPC (should be the same level as spawn) */
item = 3 /* Spawn an item */
gitem = 3 /* Spawn an item on the ground */
skill = 3 /* Teach a player a skill (spell) */
/* High Game Master */
pban = 4 /* Permaban a player */
spban = 4 /* Silently permaban a player */
admin = 4 /* Set the admin level of a player */
sadmin = 4 /* Silently set the admin level of a player */
holiday = 5 /* Set the current holiday */
botparams = 4 /* Adjust bot paramaters */
console = 4 /* Execute console commands */
Standard bot parameters are:
Name = Sets the name of a bot (renames it)
Enabled = Enables/disables a bot
Visible = Can the bot be seen the the playerlist (#find will always work)
Title = The title of the bot
Admin = The min admin level required to command the bot
Params = Bot specific paramaters
Allows multiple channels on global and can disable global.
Simply PM it the channel number you want to use.
eg: !globalbot 20
0 is the default (normal?) channel.
Setting the "params" will disable global, displaying the message "params"
Enabled = false
Visible = false
/* Params = "Sorry, Global has been disabled." */
Allows players to change various aspects of their character.
Example of each command
!dressbot title I R AWESOME
!dressbot class 6
!dressbot race 3
!dressbot partner Sordie (you wish! =D)
!dressbot guild The Secret Order of Hamsters
!dressbot rank Newb leader
!dressbot tag XXX
The command must exist in the "params" to be enabled
Enabled = true
Visible = true
Params = "title,race,partner,guild,rank,tag"
Broadcasts anonymous anouncements
eg: !announcebot The end of the world is nigh!
_Name = "Announcement"
Enabled = true
Visible = true
Admin = 4
/* First time login message */
/* First time as the death race message */
You have died! Don't despair! Find and click on a priest to be resurrected! Whilst you are dead you cannot attack, speak or interact with others.
/* First time died (warp) message */
You where killed in action but a strange force saved your soul and resurrected you back home!
Accounts = "%imagedir%\Users\Accounts\" /* Path to the account files */
Characters = "%accountdir%\..\Characters\" /* Path to the character files */
/* List of unaproved sub strings */
NotApproved = "%accountdir%\..\NotApproved.txt"
/* Path to default character information. */
Defaults = "%accountdir%\..\Default.xini"
/* Data file locations */
ItemData = "%imagedir%\Data\dat001.eif"
NPCData = "%imagedir%\Data\dtn001.enf"
NPCExtra = "%imagedir%\Data\NPC.xini"
SpellData = "%imagedir%\Data\dsl001.esf"
PlayerClassData = "%imagedir%\Data\dat001.ecf"
PlayerClassExtra = "%imagedir%\Data\Class.xini"
ArenaData = "%imagedir%\Data\Arena.xini"
Achievements = "%imagedir%\Data\Achievements.xini"
Maps = "%imagedir%\Maps\" /* Path to map files */
MapCount = 300 /* Max number of maps to load */
/* Text file list of permabanned IPs */
PermaBans = "%accountdir%\..\PermaBanned.txt"
/* Console options */
ShowConnections = true /* Show connection information in the titlebar */
ShowTransfer = true /* Show data transfer in the titlebar */
*Warning* DO NOT edit anything in this section!
Nothing you change here will make your server magicly come online.
These are advanced settings incase the SLN server should ever change.
You will be notified in the Seose forum on eoserv.net by Sordie if they do.
Server = "https://eoserv.net/SLN/check" /* SLN Server URL */
Interval = 400000 /* Interval between check-ins (0=disable sln) */
Zone = "" /* Zone to register server */