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Rate the Eoserv Staff
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Post #40990 Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff

Everyone get's a +2 I couldn't explain it any better then you guys have lol

14 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #40991 Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff


SORDIE +100000000

Vult-r +100000000000

And to everyone who posted...+100

14 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #40992 Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff

Sausage +1 

You can be of some help when you want to be, but at other times your very conceded. 

Sordie +1

You don't really post much help, but when you do its usually helpful.

Scott 0

You defiantly need to loosen up a little bit, I don't think your mean, or anything or what other people have said negative things about you, your just doing your job as a moderator, but there is no need to be so Stingy all the time. You do give give decent help when you want to.

Addison 0 

you use to be much more active, and you should still be as active, but your usually M.I.A come back to the forum more often, and be as helpful as you were!

Kenobi13 0

I'm looking forward to your contribution to this forum. 

Apollo +2

You are defiantly the most active Mod on this forum, you are a well rounded person and I can't wait for the next few days, months, years, to see what else you contribute to this forum, Keep up the Great work!

Plasmastar -2

You are no help to this forum at all, when you do post its usually off topic, and not helpful at all, you need to re-earn your moderator position. But you are a pretty nice guy.

14 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #41062 Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff

sausage 1+ not really strict but dont see him much

apollo 0+ hes ok and can help sometimes

plasmastar 0+ never heard of him

sordie 1- shes is a bit too strict but on the plus side she does help out people

scott 1+ from every one else and me cause he isnt a bad mod but he just strict

kenobi 0+ never saw him too much but seen a few decent posts

addison 0+ lazy but does help alot

14 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #41066 Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
Sausage +2
Not on much but when he posts he posts useful stuff.  And is the creator of eoserv.

Scott +1
Fairly strict, makes good use of the rating system and keeps the forum away from junk.

Sordie +2
On basically every day, at least once she knows what shes talking about and posts when someone needs help.

Plasmastar -1
Basically never on rarely posts, but when he does its sometimes useful.

Addison +1
Fair and is pretty cool, he doesn't have temper and posts sometimes.

Apollo +1
Cool,posts useful stuff and makes good use of the rating system.

kenobi13 +2
Makes good use of the rating system and helps basically 24/7. 
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #41070 Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff

Sausage +2
He beats S*** out of those capslockers and he made Eoserv<3

Scott -+0

Hmm, I like him in hes own way, hah =D He WAS nice until he started hate me. why? Who knows, maybe its my attidute or maybe its my ENGLISH ;) Or maybe I am annoying...

Sordie +1
Offically she is a b**** but fair one ;) She is very helpful when she wants, probably hates me =D


Plasmastar +1
He helps when he is here ;) Short and useful posts, also he is helpful on eohax :)

Addison +1
Addison, hmmm, haven't talk with him personally... Never. but he do hes job in here... now he is gone?

Apollo +2
Apollo is very cool, I like him in any way, haven't talk with him much but still :P

kenobi13 +2

Kenobi13, heck... He is helping and he releases stuff, cool...

Ananas +3

Ex moderator, but he releases much and helps much, I like him in person, cool and kind guy, social, good friend...

Edit: I fixed the post... =D

Eoserv classes: Forum ghost, test player, ex-server owner, TOP 50, mapper & an
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #41076 Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff

Lold @ What Scott said to me. Doesn't really change the fact that your like 15-16. acting 20.

14 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #41078 Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff
microchip posted: (25th Jun 2010 11:49 pm)

Lold @ What Scott said to me. Doesn't really change the fact that your like 15-16. acting 20.

Whats wrong with being mature?...Anyway forgot about addison hehe:

Addison: Great guy, nice, good mod and a supporting maniac...+2 for that buddy!

14 years, 39 weeks ago
Post #41085 Re: Rate the Eoserv Staff

Same joke, different punchline.
14 years, 39 weeks ago
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EOSERV Forum > Lounge > Rate the Eoserv Staff