who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
who u like most out of every one on the eoserv staff
14 years, 39 weeks ago

Joined: 18th Nov 2009
Posts: 497
Re: who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
Scott, He's a good guy if you actually get to talk to him, I haven't spoken much to the others so my choice was made fast.
Edit: Agenttubs, what's ur favorite Eoserv Administrator/Moderator?
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Re: who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Joined: 8th Jul 2009
Posts: 1424
Re: who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
Its really hard to pick, but even though Scott may annoy us with the rating system.
Id need to go with scott because he keeps this forum in order and keeps it organized, he also used the rating system with common sence and when its needed. When he wants to he helps also.
So my vote goes to Scott
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Re: who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
my favorite is so far is scott
14 years, 39 weeks ago

Joined: 14th Jul 2009
Posts: 1737
Re: who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
I'd have to say Sausage, because he could shut all this down with a single button-push. He's at the center of eoserv, that's an admirable burden that everyone here should respect.
Web developer, currently looking for graphic artists / designers.
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Re: who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
going off topic for a second i cant wait until eoserv 6.0 comes out
14 years, 39 weeks ago

Joined: 26th Mar 2009
Posts: 1391
Re: who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
I don't have a favorite, per se. However, I agree with Klutz in his post. I respect Sausage for keeping the EOSERV project alive. It's something not many people would have the patience for. I must also mention my respect for Sordie in keeping her Seose alive for so long, and still occasionally
offering advice on how to use it. It shows that they do put pride in what they have done, and I respect that.
May he now rest under aegis of mirage -
As the sands slowly turn to Elysian fields
14 years, 39 weeks ago

Joined: 3rd Apr 2009
Posts: 2044
Re: who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
OK Let me explain.. =D
People (I'm looking at you Microchip XD) say I rate people down more than I actually post help. When you post here you are asking the public and it's our job to make sure you stick to the rules, not answer your posts. This isn't a direct line of support to Sausage or myself. We run and enforce
strict rules here to stop this degregating into something like forum.endless-online.com. If you prefer this kind of unmoderated crap then go there. If you want a community that is dedicated to actually developing EO and not tolerate idiots spamming crap then stay here.
For everyone else that think all the staff here just -1 people: I hope you realize how bad the EO community is. It's full of low IQ idiots with a grudge that think "hacking" or just spamming their opinion is the way to solve their problems. The staff prevent this forum from degrading into
somethingas bad as forum.endless-online.com. Maybe rather than posting how -bad- you think the staff is here you should try and imagine how much effort they have put in to help you guys make your own servers and stop these "wannabe hackers" that just seem to want to prevent you from doing so.
..There is a lot goes on you people don't know about..
14 years, 39 weeks ago

Joined: 16th Mar 2010
Posts: 100
Re: who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
I would have to say sausage. It's not because he created all this, but it's because whenever I read his posts or ratings it makes me laugh really hard. He'll say to your face that your a complete idiot and I love it. :D
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Joined: 22nd Apr 2009
Posts: 2190
Re: who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
Sordie posted: (26th Jun 2010 01:25 am)
OK Let me explain.. =D
People (I'm looking at you Microchip XD) say I rate people down more than I actually post help. When you post here you are asking the public and it's our job to make sure you stick to the rules, not answer your posts. This isn't a direct line of support to Sausage or myself. We run and
enforcestrict rules here to stop this degregating into something like forum.endless-online.com. If you prefer this kind of unmoderated crap then go there. If you want a community that is dedicated to actually developing EO and not tolerate idiots spamming crap then stay here.
For everyone else that think all the staff here just -1 people: I hope you realize how bad the EO community is. It's full of low IQ idiots with a grudge that think "hacking" or just spamming their opinion is the way to solve their problems. The staff prevent this forum from degrading
intosomethingas bad as forum.endless-online.com. Maybe rather than posting how -bad- you think the staff is here you should try and imagine how much effort they have put in to help you guys make your own servers and stop these "wannabe hackers" that just seem to want to prevent you from doing
..There is a lot goes on you people don't know about..
I'd go for every person on that staff list. As they are all special in there own kind of way.
A small question for you Sordie.
Did you ever - rated someone just because you were in a bad mood?
"Pineapples and shit."
14 years, 39 weeks ago

Joined: 3rd Apr 2009
Posts: 2044
Re: who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
Ananas posted: (26th Jun 2010 08:45 am)
A small question for you Sordie.
Did you ever - rated someone just because you were in a bad mood?
Yes. I have violent mood swings that make me really crabby and short tempered. I'm not going to apologise.. I have a post pheochromocytoma disorder (screwy adrenal gland). Despite this, I am NEVER unfair! Anyone is welcome to dispute a rating I give them.
14 years, 39 weeks ago
Re: who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
Lol, If you're mad about something personal, keep it to your self, noone here needs to hear it.
That includes reading it.
14 years, 39 weeks ago

Joined: 3rd Aug 2008
Posts: 428
Re: who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
Sordie posted: (27th Jun 2010 12:23 am)
Ananas posted: (26th Jun 2010 08:45 am)
A small question for you Sordie.
Did you ever - rated someone just because you were in a bad mood?
Yes. I have violent mood swings that make me really crabby and short tempered. I'm not going to apologise.. I have a post pheochromocytoma disorder (screwy adrenal gland). Despite this, I am NEVER unfair! Anyone is welcome to dispute a rating I give them.
So that explains this then?

14 years, 39 weeks ago
Re: who is your favorite person from the eoserv staff
whats with the picture just asking
14 years, 39 weeks ago
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